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Damien Orum

We are all building mini empires. Never letting them solidify into happiness, always trying to make perfect our structures of who we are. Let’s make life faster, easier, happier, brighter, safer, smoother, longer, taller, and prettier. Perfect. So, perfect. Just to die before we can get the confirmation of satisfaction for the success we wanted to achieve. Some people will make their own path. Not following main stream society. They think, is it possible to bend, no break all the rules and live with a more rewarding guilty free conscious? Some try to achieve this through music, cars, clothing, art, traveling, hacking, protesting, starving, fighting even writing books. In the end it is still all in the name of finding a balance. That feeling of contempt. Most spend their whole life in search of it. All of us ultimately will reach the same end. Our paths will forever meet on the crossroads of life. Our only reward will be death. Just like birth it will be chaos then silence. I hope I am ready for my photo opportunity with the dark scrutinized figure of the next realm. Don’t blink or you might miss his warm embrace.